The Axes Controller

How to use the axis controller

The Axis Controller

To show/hide this indicator, use one of the following methods:

  • Using the Format ribbon, select Display | Indicators | Axis Controller

The Axis Controller is used to set the view orthogonal to the X, Y or Z axis.

Axes and View Directions

Each of the axis of the tool represent a different viewing direction. Three of these are colored to indicate the current X, Y and Z axis orientation, using the same color convention as is used in the Axis Indicator:



Changing the View Orientation

  • To change to a view orthogonal to the XY plane (top view), double-click the blue Z axis.

  • To change to a view orthogonal to the YZ plane (view from the east, towards the west), double-click the red X axis.

  • To select a view orthogonal to the XZ plane (view from south to the north), double click the green Y axis.

  • To select the default view (top + rotated), double-click the centre of the controller.

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Axis Indicator
View Controller

Navigation Controls

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Navigation Modes